Mio Direct Store Deliveries
Mio mobile app platforms’ direct store delivery (DSD) orchestrates the complex process of selling and distributing goods directly to the final point of sale. Mio DSD is a sales and distribution solution that integrates territory and account planning with sales activities, and supports
Role based functionality for DSD workforce
Workforce role based functionality and the entire DSD process from start to finish by roles or mixed use roles such as delivery drivers, sales reps and pre-sellers, van sellers, mixed-role employees, supervisors and administrators. The solution manages sales reps activities including visit planning, pre-selling, van selling, taking orders and returns, pricing and promotions, audits and surveys, credit checks and similar activities which may vary by customer, brand, and channel. With Mio DSD solution you can now execute your “perfect store” strategy’s execution effectively and give your consumers a better chance of finding the right product in stock, at the right time, at the right price. This will not only maximize your revenue, but also drives positive brand equity for your company and the retailer.

Mixed used roles
Orders & returns
Retail execution
Visit planning & scheduling
Pricing, promotions & discounts
EOD stock recon
Pre-selling, sales & deliveries
Activities & workflows
Mio App Platform – Modular RTM Services
Mio App Platform – Modular RTM Services
Industries We Serve
Health Care
Field Services
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